Non-Active Open Claims
Report valued as of: Run date.
Data type: Posted Totals.
Description: This report lists all claims with money allocated in either medical/expense reserve or indemnity reserve (Open Claims) and have not had any payments made in medical, expense, or indemnity in a user defined period of days. The Nonactive scan setting in company setup determines number of days in the inactivity period.
Compensate Case Number
Claimant's Name - Last, First
Injury Date
Type - the type of claim, Ex. Lost Time, Medical Only, Incident Only
Last Indemnity Paid Date - the date that an indemnity transaction was last posted for the claim listed.
Last Medical/Expense Paid Date - the date that either a medical or expense transaction was last posted for the claim listed.
Incurred - the sum of indemnity paid + indemnity reserve.
Paid - the total of all indemnity payments posted to the claim.
Reserve - the total indemnity reserve available in the claim.
Medical/Expense Incurred - the sum of medical paid + expense paid + medical/expense reserve
Medical Paid - the total of all medical payments posted to the claim.
Expense Paid - the total of all expense payments posted to the claim.
Medical/Expense Reserve - the total medical/expense reserve available in the claim.
Special Report Filters: This report allows users to select what type of claims are reported by entering values in the "Select Only Claim Type" field on the report control. Claim types are typically LT - Lost Time, MO - Medical only, IO - Incident only, etc...
Claim ordering in grouping: Claims can be listed by Compensate Case Number or Alphabetical by last, first name within the user selected report grouping.