Compensate SI - OSHA 300A Export for electronic submission

Post date: Jun 27, 2018 9:56:34 PM

OSHA Injury Tracking


Version 6.3.7 of Compensate SI has a new feature that can provide an export file for the OSHA 300A Summary Electronic Submission of Injury and Illness Records.   The Export is available on the Year End Menu, under OSHA, labeled OSHA 300A Export.

The following window will be displayed

The Export will file will be placed in Compensates EDI\OSHA folder.  A windows explorer window will open with the files location.

 Please note, each Work Center:

To upload to OSHA

Please create a Login with the OSHA Injury Tracking Application website.

To upload, please follow the steps found on the same website under ITA Job Aids / Upload a file